Give Back to Your Community


Without volunteers, the Georgetown Senior Center (GSC) would be unable to function. Whether it be assistance with leadership, administration, fundraising, publicity or service provision , volunteers are critical to daily operations. 

Currently GSC is seeking volunteers to perform the following tasks: 

● Prepare a lunch for 15 seniors that includes a protein, vegetable, starch and dessert

● Heat, serve and clean up lunches 

● Present a 30-60 minute program on a topic of your choice (example, hobby, book review or current events) 

● Plan a field trip to a local destination 

Interested in volunteering? Please complete and submit the form below. 


Volunteer Form

Community Partners

Working collaboratively with organizations and companies in the community has been key since the founding of the Georgetown Senior Center (GSC). These entities have provided a variety of in-kind resources, including high quality meals, publicity, technology services, and enrichment programs. 

The Georgetown Senior Center is fortunate to have developed a strong relationship with St. John’s Episcopal Church, which houses the GSC and provides regular financial support.

Select community supporters and their contributions to the GSC include:

Martin’s Tavern

○ Christmas luncheon at the restaurant 

○ Wine and/or dessert for Valentine’s Day and Halloween

The Georgetowner

○ Advertising and articles on GSC 

○ Cocktail receptions on behalf of the center for fundraising initiatives

1789 Restaurant

○ Thanksgiving buffet lunch

Washington Performing Arts

○ Enrichment programs

DC Department of Aging & Community Living

○ Informative programs

Friday Morning Music Club

○ Enrichment Programs