Recent Updates:
2022- Q4
Constance Roberts, a long-time valued member of the Senior Center passed away this fall. The seniors (driven in the GSC van) and staff attended her funeral.
Three seniors have become new members of the GSC.
One volunteer (who also cooks for the seniors) has joined our ranks.
GSC sent out its annual appeal letter to friends and supporters in October. The Georgetown Senior Center raised several thousand dollars in response.
An in-house Halloween celebration, featuring a dessert buffet occurred on October 31st.
A Thanksgiving celebration, including a feast donated by 1789 Restaurant, was held at St. John’s.
The GSC celebrated a Christmas lunch at Martin’s Tavern.
October 2023
10/02 (Mon.) History of Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Carolyn Muraskin; DC Design Tours
10/06 (Fri.) Qin Sun Stubis, Author, “Once Our Lives: Life, Death, and Love in the Middle Kingdom”
10/09 (Mon.) Center Closed (Columbus Day Holiday)
10/13 (Fri.) Mary Kay Zuravleff, Author “American Ending”
10/16 (Mon.) Friday Morning Music Club (or Field Trip)
10/20 (Fri.) Vivian Cavalieri, Artist Jewelry and Shadowboxes
10/23 (Mon.) Anka Zaremba Introductory Art Lesson
10/27 (Fri.) Friday Morning Music Club (or Field Trip)
10/30 (Mon.) Anthony Hyatt, Violinist
Upcoming Programs
November 2023
11/03 (Fri.) avid Patterson, Author “The Pinochets: A Family Saga”
11/06 (Mon.) Field Trip
11/10 (Fri.) Center Closed (Veterans’ Day Holiday)
11/13 (Mon.) Erika Singer Choral Group
11/17 (Fri.) Sasha Beresovsky, Pianist Friday Morning Music Club
11/20 (Mon.) Thanksgiving Celebration Vivian Cavalieri, Artist (Jewelry and Shadow Boxes)
11/24 (Fri.) Center Closed (Thanksgiving Holiday)
11/27 (Mon.) Jennifer Dix Cravens, Nutrition Educator University of MD, Healthy Holiday Eating
December 2023
12/01 (Fri.) Angie Kim, Author “Happiness Falls”
12/04 (Mon.) Bridget Reed Morawski Journalist Window Treatments and Energy Conservation at Home
12/08 (Fri.) Mark Bjorge, Community Relations Specialist DC Department of Aging and Community Living “Senior Services Spotlight”
12/11 (Mon.) Orlene Grant, President and CEO Juanita C. Grant Foundation “Staying Safe and Protected from Elder Abuse
12/15 (Fri.) Friday Morning Music Club or Field Trip
12/18 (Mon.) Christmas Celebration 12/22 (Fri.)—
01/05 (Fri.) Center Closed (Christmas/New Year’s Holiday)